Thursday, October 30, 2014

When Helping Hurts

The first of three books that we are required to read before this mission trip is called "When Helping Hurts"

For anyone that plans to help the "Poor", this is a good read.  It doesn't matter if you plan to work in your local pantry, soup kitchen, or do overseas missions... I would suggest you read this book.

This book really hits on truths that we do not think about, then brings them to our attention, and gives practical ways around those pitfalls. Well that was a pretty general statement wasn't it?

Mainly this...
1. If those people would get their act together...
2. If they had money, then they could be like us...

My First Inner City Mission Trip
During my first inner city mission trip, I though "I can't wait to spend some time with these guys so I can show them how to get out of the bad life they have"

After a week there, my attitude had changed to "These guys are really stuck here and have no hope of ever getting out of their sucky situation."

So why the change of attitude?

Here is a conversation I had with someone we worked with.
Me: "Why don't you get a job" (thinking he was too lazy or something)
Jon: "I applied to 3 this month, they all turned me down because I do not have a high school education"
Me: "Why don't you go back to school"
Jon: "I am too old for free public school, and I have no money for private school"
Me: "Why don't you leave this inner city"
Jon: "With what money, what transport, and where would I go? Who would take me?"

I learned that every simple thing to me, was answered by an insurmountable obstacle for someone born into that situation. 

You may say I am full of crap, and that guy needs to get his act together.  I guess that is our "god" complex we get from being born into privilege.

You learn that we really were born into privilege, while others were not.

So how does the book help?
The book really highlights some key factors.

First, why people are where they are:
  1. There are many factors (systems) that play into each persons circumstances.  
    1. Culture (usually controlled by the wealthy and developed over hundreds of years)
    2. Race
    3. Family
    4. Education
    5. Country of origin
  2. Most of these systems cannot be changed by an individual
  3. All of these systems are broken in some way
Second, where are they really?
  1. Bleeding? (Then they need Relief)
  2. Done Bleeding? (Then they need Rehabilitation)
  3. In a constant state? (Then they need Development)
Most good intended deeds fail because we send Relief when we should be developing the people.  For example, if we just send tons of money into a neighborhood that has been that way for generations, all we did was feed the problem.  Instead we need to  spend time developing the people so they can excel (not us excelling for them).

Lastly, What is our goal?

You cannot really help people fully if you do not have the correct goal.  For example, is your goal to save people through Jesus Christ?  Is your goal to get them more financially stable?

So what is a full goal.  "To bring people into a right relationship with Jesus AND the systems around them so they can fulfill their purpose of bringing glory to God through their work, and supporting of their family and those around them" 

Remember Jesus didn't just preach the gospel, he fed the poor and healed the sick on his way.  Likewise, he didn't just give them earthly things without teaching them right stewardship and the way to salvation.

Giving relief help can be easy.  But long term development is hard. Be ready to step out of the spotlight and develop people over the long term.

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