Friday, October 17, 2014

Mwanza Tanzania

It's official, we are going on a missions trip to Mwanza, Tanzania!

So why Mwanza?  We did not actually choose where to go.  Instead, we are working with a missions organization, and Mwanza is where they are sending us.

To get to Mwanza, we will take three plane rides lasting 30 hours to Dar Es Salem, Tanzania on the east coast (Nalgis's home town), we will then get right onto another domestic flight and fly all they way to the north west corner of the country (a total cost of $5,000 just in plane tickets)!

I am excited about this trip for many reasons.  But one of the biggest reasons is that it will be Nalgis's first opportunity to "Mission" to others. To put her needs, and even her desire to be with her family aside, and just focus on helping others.

Nalgis is also very excited, as she has been dreaming for many years to get back to Tanzania and start helping the people their.  She really wants to start development projects (churchs, schools, farms, etc) to help the people of her home country. This will be a great first step in her long term dreams and goals.

1 comment:

  1. Hello thanks very much indeed for your support, if this organization needs help by creating briquette machines we can help, the only thing they have to do is preparing for our transport and accommodation, we give technical support towards projects

    Richard Mulindwa
