Saturday, November 1, 2014

Making Soap From Scratch

The main thing I will be doing on my mission trip is teaching local people how to make soap.  Sounds easy right?

Hard and Dangerous
It turns out that making soap is hard and dangerous.  This is because you are working with Lye, a very caustic chemical that can burn through your skin, or make you go blind if you get it in your eyes!

Fun and Rewarding
Although it is dangerous, it is also fun and rewarding.  I have learned allot about making soap and really enjoy making it.

When you live off $2 a day, buying your soap is a large part of your budget.  My goal is to teach the local people of Mwanza, Tanzania that they can actually make their own soap from materials they have on hand!  I am very excited about how this will help them to save money or even create a small business.  I hope my helping them will also allow them to reach out and help others in need.

Special Thanks
I would like to thank Debbie Richards for teaching me how to make soap, and Tina Jensen and ShirleyAnn Wellhoefer for the books they gave me to help me learn more about cool soap ideas. 

Don't forget to pray for our trip and the people we will be working with!